The mighty massage gun is fast becoming the wellness industry’s not-so-secret weapon. Even if you haven’t tried one yourself, chances are, you’ve overheard someone at the gym waxing lyrical about their benefits or come across one on social media. Celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Mark Wahlberg and Kate Hudson are all huge fans.

There are countless percussive therapy devices flooding the market these days, from hefty high-tech models like the Theragun Pro to petite, travel-friendly options like the Lola Massage Gun, all promising to ease tension, boost recovery and help you perform at your peak.

But are these popular pieces of kit actually worth it? Should we all be investing in one or are they just for serious sportspeople?

To find out whether the massage gun is a game-changing wellness gadget or just another fad, we did some digging and called in some expert help from health and wellness specialist Nikos Skevis.

Meet the expert: Nikos Skevis is master trainer and educational consultant for Hyperice. He has a degree is sports science, a personal training qualification and over 16 years' experience working in the fitness industry.

How do massage guns work?

In a nutshell, massage guns are hand-held devices (that look a little bit like power tools), which deliver percussive therapy – rapid, concentrated pulses or vibrations to the muscles – to provide a deep tissue massage. They use vibrating heads of different shapes, sizes and levels of firmness to target different areas.

Skevis explains the science: “A mechanical force is compressing – then decompressing – the layers of tissue to create space within the fascial layers and promote movement.”

“Applying percussion and pressure to the tissue causes friction and this friction creates heat, reducing the viscosity (resistance) of the surrounding fluid, making it more lubricious and promoting better tissue glide.”

Percussion also creates a vibrating force that moves fluid through the body, resulting in smother and more efficient movement patterns, he explains.

The benefits of massage guns

From increasing blood flow and releasing tension to improved flexibility and extended range of motion (ROM), there are plenty of physical and psychological benefits associated with massage guns. Here, Skevis breaks down the main advantages.

Muscle recovery

According to Skevis, using a massage gun can help your body recover faster after exercise, whether you’ve been pounding the pavement or lifting weights in the gym.

“The deep vibrations emitted by a massage gun enhance blood flow and lymphatic circulation,” he explains. “This accelerates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, resulting in decreased inflammation, while promoting repair and regrowth.”

Pain relief

Whether your aches and pains are caused by an intense exercise regime or you’re suffering with WFH niggles, percussive therapy can target knots and trigger points, providing some much need relief from muscle soreness.

“Regular and proper use of a massage gun can condition the soft tissue to be more resilient, and flush out the excess biproducts that sit in your muscles like water in a sponge, making them feel heavy,” says Skevis.

By reducing friction and minimising inflammation in the tissue, a massage gun can alleviate any pain and stiffness you may be experiencing.

Improved range of motion

ROM is the degree to which you can move your joint from full extension to full flexion. Not only will improving your ROM help you move more freely and comfortably throughout the day, but it will also help you perform exercises with good form, feel less stiff and stay injury-free.

Skevis says a well-designed massage gun can affect the entire system of fascia (the connective tissue that wraps around and supports every structure in the body) and fluid, reducing friction in the body and enhancing your ability to move.

Enhanced athletic performance

Of course, using a massage gun isn’t going to shave 10 minutes off your running PB or turn you into a pro bodybuilder overnight. But, by reducing stiffness and improving both mobility and flexibility, it can ensure you’re performing at your best, while also reducing the risk of injury.

Using a massage gun before a workout can help activate the muscles and get them prepared for your session. A 2020 study reported that cyclists who used a massage gun before performing bike sprints noticed an improvement in performance.

They can also be beneficial during exercise, with one study revealing that those who used a massage gun in between sets of chest presses performed more repetitions than those who didn’t.

Relaxation and stress reduction

A weekly full-body massage at a luxury spa would be ideal, but unfortunately, most of our budgets and schedules don’t allow for such pampering on a regular basis. That’s where massage guns come in. Physical benefits aside, these clever gismos can also do wonders for your stress levels.

“One of the most underrated benefits of percussive therapy is the effect it has on the parasympathetic nervous system – the branch that kicks us into relaxation mode,” Skevis says. “Extended periods of use will make your body feel as light as a feather and can send you into a state of deep relaxation, which is perfect for winding down before bed.

“Due to their compact nature and size, they also make for ideal travel companions, ensuring you can destress wherever you may be.”

Is there any evidence that massage guns work?

Aside from the mountain of anecdotal evidence, there’s a growing body of research to back up the benefits of percussive therapy. One 2023 study found that massage guns can help ease DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), reduce stiffness and improve range of motion and flexibility.

Another systematic review looking at the impact of percussive therapy on exercise performance noted a significant relationship between massage gun usage and an increase in muscular strength and flexibility. Improvements were reported after a single massage gun treatment.

So, it looks like massage guns get the thumbs up from dedicated users, experts and scientific studies. If you’re looking to invest, check out the GHI’s top-scorers below.

The GHI’s top-rated massage guns

The final verdict: Are massage guns worth it?

Whether you’re a dedicated gym-goer, an avid runner, or you struggle with neck and back pain thanks to hunching over your laptop for hours on end, a massage gun could be a worthwhile purchase. The same goes for those who want to up their self-care routine, without having to spend big on a professional masseuse each month.

“Massage guns offer a valuable enhancement to your overall wellness routine,” says Skevis. “Setting aside some time each day to care for your muscle tissue will not only prevent future issues but also promotes longevity.” Sounds good to us...

As with anything, it’s important to choose a massage gun that’s relevant to your lifestyle. If you’re always on the go, you’ll want a petite massager that’s easy to travel with, and if you’ve got big muscles that need serious pummelling, a pro device is probably your best bet.

See our full list of GHI-approved massage guns here, with options for all needs, activity levels and budgets.

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